Meet rısale-ı nur books



Hello with love and respect...

I would like to introduce you a work that will surprise you with the great deal of truth and enormous scientific discoveries and maybe will make you say "how could I not hear this before" with admiration.
The fundamental research point of these books is to answer three main question of existence that have remained as the most unknown and secret mystery of universe and have always been wondered by humanity in a rational and accurate manner based on rational evidences. Discovering the correct answers on these issues did not happen with the use of human mind that remains insufficient to reach the truth unguided but with the joint guidance of the light of divine revelation and mind. Moreover, discovered answers were not given based on blind imitation but they were given in a rational and wise manner that are based on evidence.

"This universe and everything inside it, where did they come from, where will they go and why are they here, what are their duties?"

These works contain information that are the need of all humanity and appeal to all those who seek the fundamental truth of existence and they also interest science world and scientists in a deeper and closer manner. Especially in today's world, where quantum physics, astronomy and astrophysics have greatly advanced and the fundamental questions regarding object, universe and human, science and the work I will introduce to you examine the subjects in the same area and share the same operation field.

In fact I felt obligated to share these valuable works, draw your attention them and inform you about them. Because for as long as I remember, I have felt an irresistible curiosity and passion towards science and learning. I cannot hide this treasure of spiritual wisdom. I must have proclaimed this.

Now I leave you alone with a brief introduction of these works and hope you will once examine these works carefully. Below is the brief subject titles of the works, which you can find enclosed to this e-mail as text files, and you can access to the content of these works via web sites below or clicking on the dowload link.
I am very happy to reach you and inform you about these great truths.

Greetings and love...


by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Source 1 : Risale-i Nur (choose English section)
Source 2 : section: (choose English Risale-i Nur)

The following books were uploaded in this link:
Risale-i Nur E-Books download link:
(If this links doesn't open, please copy this links and paste address bar.)

Please read these books with careful examinations. Here are some chapters of these wonderful books I have mentioned:

Introduction: Three phrases, representing three ways, used by believers about the existence of things without realizing their implications.
The First Way: The formation of things through the coming together of causes in the universe.
First Impossibility: The coming together by chance of the elements of living beings in perfect measure and balance.
Second Impossibility: If a fly, for example, is attributed to causes, it necessitates that many of the elements and causes in the universe intervene physically in its being.
Third Impossibility: “If a being has unity, it can only have issued from one hand.” Particularly if it manifests life, together with perfect order and balance.
The Second Way: “It forms itself.”
First Impossibility: Since the body is like an extremely finely ordered machine, if its particles are not working in accordance with the law of the Pre-Eternal and All-Powerful One, each would have to see all the parts of the body as well as the entire universe, and an intelligence to understand its relations.
Second Impossibility: The particles of a living body stand together in perfect balance and order, like a thousand-domed palace, and are constantly being renewed. If each is not dependent on the master architect of the universe, each would have to be both dominant over all the others, and subordinate to them.
Third Impossibility: If your being is not ‘written’ by the pen of the All-Powerful One, but ‘printed’ by Nature and causes, there would have to be printing-blocks in Nature to the number of cells in your body, and even of all their combinations.
The Third Way: “Nature necessitates it and makes it.”
First Impossibility: If animate creatures in particular are not attributed directly to the manifestation of the Pre-Eternal Sun, one has to accept that in each is a god with infinite power, will, knowledge, and wisdom.
Second Impossibility: If attributed to Nature, there would have to present in each bit of soil the means for the growth and formation of innumerable flowers and fruits.
Third Impossibility: Two Comparisons.
The First: A wild savage enters a palace adorned with all the fruits of civilization.
The Second: A rustic bumpkin enters the bounds of a splendid palace and sees the soldiers at their drill, then continues to Aya Sophia and enters it at the time of the Friday Prayer.
Conclusion: Three questions and their answers.
The First: What need does God have of our worship, that He severely reproves those who give up worship?
The Second: What is the secret in the ease in the creation and formation of things.
The Third: Philosophers say there is only composition and decomposition. Is this correct?

It discovers, explains and proves with rational evidences that the movement of particles is not coincidental and they move in a command and wisdom and they are operated under command and their duties. Thus an undiscovered mystery of universe is revealed.

How a pilgrim, who asks to universe about its creator, saw and discovered evidences that prove the existence and solidarity of a creator is explained in this most valuable work. What this person sees and find the artist and creator of universe from every direction is explained with a formidable rational analysis and it is explained in a precision leveled proof.

This work proves the resurrection after apocalypse in a so precise manner that author states this about the issue in his work:
"If you want to understand the appearance of resurrection after death in a precise manner as the appearance of spring, look at "Tenth Word" and "Twenty Ninth Word" that regard resurrection carefully and see! If you don't believe as the appearance of spring, come and stick your finger in my eye!"

Immortality of man’s spirit, the angels, and the resurrection.
Author's assertive challenge based on his trust in precision of truths in his work, which was included in previous paragraph, is also valid for this work just like in tenth word.

It discovers the secret of creation of mankind and universe.

Comparison of understanding and explanation of universe between Koran and philosophy wisdoms is revealed. Moreover, the difference of discipline lesson given by Koran to personal life of a person and societal life.

It explains the products presented by Koran and philosophy wisdoms in understanding the universe and compares the wisdom level of the both of them.

What is the real essence of human and how does the real beauty level of human and universe appear and become visible are explained and proved in an unprecedented style.

It contains full of comprehensive, deep and brilliant evidences. Metaphors are used in order to approximate the most distinct and hard to understand truths. It contains evidences in most strong and irrefutable levels regarding the creator of universe and his name, character and solidarity. When it is examined with a careful and reasoned manner, it is impossible not to be found by those who sincerely search for the truth.

Explained proof by all positive sciences in their own languages and explanation with a comprehensive reason sequence and wise point of view. Science states the order of universe. If order that requires will, wisdom and might were not existed, wisdoms and sciences that are a statement and translator of the order in universe would not exist, either.

There are explanations and proofs regarding the future of an immortal life after death is as precise as the existence of this world and there is no way of resurrection after death would not happen.

Evidence windows regarding the existence and solidarity of a creator towards every angle of the universe are explained and proved in a perfect 33 steps.

The following questions are answered:
Q u e s t i o n : How can the solicitous nurturing, the purposeful and beneficial planning, the loving kindness of the names of All-Compassionate, All-Wise, and Loving, which are among the greatest of the divine names, be reconciled with death and non-existence, decline and separation, and disaster and hardship, which are awesome and terrible? Very well, man goes to eternal happiness so we can tolerate his passing down the road of death, but how about the delicate species of trees and plants, and the lovely flowers, which are all living creatures, and the animal species, which are worthy of existence, lovers of life, and desire permanent life?
What compassion and kindness are there in their continuously without exception being annihilated, in their being swiftly despatched to non-existence without being allowed to so much as open their eyes, in their being made to toil without so much as taking a breath, in their being changed by calamities with not one of them being left in peace, in their being killed without exception, in their dying with not one of them remaining, in their departing with none of them being gratified – what wisdom and purpose, what favour and mercy, are there in this?

How is the creator mighty for everything, nothing is hard for the creator, how the creator manages and creates everything alone, how is this possible are explained and proved in a formidable manner. Wisdom deductions in this work are pioneering discoveries in its field. They are spiritual and wisdom treasures.
We refer those who sincerely search for the truth to read carefully once.

W H A T I S T H E R I S A L E - I N U R ?

The Risale-i Nur collection is a six-thousand-page commentary on the Quran written by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in accordance with the mentality of the age. Since in our age faith and Islam have been the objects of the attacks launched in the name of so called science and logic, Bediuzaman Said Nursi therefore concentrated in the Risale-i Nur on proving the truths of faith in conformity with modern science through rational proofs and evidence, and by decribing the miraculous aspects of the Quran that relate primarily to our century. This collection now has millions of readers both in and outside of Turkey. Thanks to the Risale-i Nur, the Turks managed to maintain their religion despite the most despotic regimes of the past decades. Although its author faced unbearable persecution, imprisonment, and exile, while no effort was spared to put an end to his service to faith, he was able to complete his writings compromising the Risale-i Nur and raise a vast group of believers who courageously opposed the oppression and preserved the dominance of Islam in the country.

Bediuzzaman understood an essential cause of the decline of the Islamic world to be weakening of the very foundations of belief. This weakening, together with the unprecedented attacks on those foundations in the 19th and 20th centuries carried out by materialists, atheists and others in the name of science and progress, led him to realize that the urgent and over-riding need was to strengthen, and even to save, belief. What was needed was to expend all efforts to reconstruct the edifice of Islam from its foundations, belief, and to answer at that level those attacks with a 'manevi jihad' or 'jihad of the of the word.'

Thus, in exile, Bediuzzaman wrote a body of work, the Risale-i Nur, that would explain and expound the basic tenets of belief, the truths of the Quran, to modern man. His method was to analyse both belief and unbelief and to demonstrate through clearly reasoned arguments that not only is it possible, by following the method of the Quran, to prove rationally all the truths are the only rational explanation of existance, man and the universe.

Bediuzzaman thus demonstrated in the form of easily understood stories, comparisons, explanations, and reasoned proofs that, rather than the truth of religion being incompatible with the findings of modern science, the materialist interpretation of those findings is irrational and absurd. Indeed, Bediuzzaman proved in the Risale-i Nur that science's breathtaking discoveries of the universe's functioning corroborate and reinforce the truths of religion.

The imortance of the Risale-i Nur cannot be overestimated, for through it Bediuzzaman Said Nursi played a major role in preserving and revitalizing the Islamic faith in Turkey in the very darkest days of her history. And indeed its role has continued to increase in importance to the present day. But further to this, the Risale-i Nur is uniquely fitted to address not only all Muslims but indeed all mankind for several reasons. First it is written in accordance with modern man's mentality, a mentality that, whether Muslim or not, has been deeply inbued by materialist philosophy: it specifically answers all the questions, doubts and confusions that this causes. It answers too all the 'why's' that mark the questioning mind of modern man.

Also, it explains the most profound matters of belief, which formerly only advanced scholars studied in detail, in such a way that everyone, even those to whom the subject is new, may understand and gain something without it causing any difficulties or harm.

A further reason is that in explaning the true nature and purposes of man and the universe, the Risale-i Nur shows that true happiness is only to be found in belief and knowledge of God, both in this world and the Hereafter. And it also points out the grevious pain and unhappiness that unbelief causes man's spirit and conscience, which generally the misguided attempt to block out through heedlessness and escapism, so that anyone with any sense may take refuge in belief.

To conclude

The Holy Quran addresses the intellect as well as man's other inner faculties. It directs man to consider the universe and functioning in order to learn its true nature and purposes as the creation and thus to learn the attributes of its Single Creator and his own duties as a creature. This, then, is the method that Bediuzzaman employed in the Risale-i Nur. He explained the true nature of the universe as signs of its Creator and demonstrated through clear arguments that when it is read as such all the fundamentals of beliefs may be proved rationally.

When this method is followed, a person attains a true belief that will be sound and firm enough to be withstand any doubts that may arise in the face of the subtle attacks of Materialism, Naturalism and atheism, or the materialist approach to scientific advances. For all scientific and technological advances are merely the uncovering of the workings of the cosmos. When the cosmos is seen to be a vast and infinately complex and meaningful unified book describing its Single Author, rather that causing doubt and bewilderment, all these discoveries and advances reinforce belief, they deepen and expand it.

Man's most fundamental need is the need for religion, the need to recognize and worship Almighty God with all His Most Beautiful Names and attributes, and to obey His laws; those manifest in the universe and those revealed through his prophets. In explaining the message of the Quran, Almighty God's final Revealed Book, brought and perfectly expounded by His final Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH), and Islam, the complete and perfected religion for mankind, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi demonstrated in the Risale-i Nur that there is no contradiction or dichotomy between science and religion; rather, true progress and happiness for mankind can, and will, only be achieved in this way, the way of the Quran.

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A Question: You say: “You make much use of analogies in the form of comparisons or parables in the Words. Whereas according to the science of logic, this form of analogy does not afford certainty. A logical proof is required for matters of certain knowledge. Analogy in the form of comparison and parable is utilized by scholars of canon law in matters in which the prevailing opinion is sufficient. Also, you present comparisons in the form of certain stories; the stories are imaginary and cannot be true. Is this not contrary to reality?”

The Answer: It has often been stated in the science of logic that analogies in the form of comparisons and parables do not afford certain knowledge. However, there is a certain type of this form of analogy that forms a proof more powerful than those proofs consisting of certain knowledge used in logic. Also, it is more certain than that sort of deduction. This type of analogy is as follows.
It demonstrates the tip of a universal truth by means of a partial comparison and constructs its judgement on that truth. It demonstrates the truth’s law in a particular matter, so that the vast truth may be known and particular matters may be ascribed to it.
For example, although the sun is a single being, by means of luminosity it is present in every shining object. A law of a truth is demonstrated by means of this comparison which states that light and luminosity cannot be restricted: for them, distance and proximity are the same, many and few are equal, and space cannot conquer them.
This is another example: a tree’s fruits and leaves are all shaped and formed at the same time, in the same fashion, easily and perfectly, in a single centre and through a law issuing from a command. This is a comparison or parable demonstrating the tip of a mighty truth and universal law. It proves the truth and the truth’s law in a truly decisive form, so that, like the tree, the mighty universe displays and is the field of operation of that law of truth and mystery of Divine oneness.
Thus, the analogies, comparisons, and parables employed in all the Words are in this form and are more powerful and afford more certainty than the categorical proofs of logic.

Answer to the second part of the question: It is a well-known fact that in the art of composition, when the true meaning of a word or phrase is used solely as the means to perceive another meaning, it is called an ‘allusive expression.’ The essential meaning of a phrase defined as ‘allusive’ is not the means of either truth or falsehood; it is its allusive meaning that is such. If the allusive meaning is correct then the phrase is true. Even if its essential meaning is false, it does not damage its veracity. If the allusive meaning is not correct while its essential meaning is, then the phrase is false.
For example, “So-and-so’s salvation is of great length.” That is, “His sword-belt is very long.” This phrase alludes to the man’s tall stature. If he was tall but did not have a sword and belt, the phrase would still be correct and true. If he was not tall but had a long sword and belt, then the phrase would be false, since it is not its essential meaning that is intended.
So, the stories or parables in the Words, like for example, those in the Tenth and Twenty-Second Words, are sorts of allusions. The truths at the end of the stories are extremely correct, extremely true and conformable to reality; they are the allusive meanings of the stories. Their essential meanings are comparisons that bring distant objects close like a telescope and however they may be it does not damage their veracity and truthfulness. Moreover, all those stories are comparisons or parables. Purely to enable people in general to understand, what is properly communicated without words is put into words, and immaterial and abstract matters are represented in material form.